Shoulder Arthroplasty Studies
Targeted Nutritional Supplementation (TNS) has been successfully used in multiple clinical settings. Enhanced outcomes are seen in orthopedic studies demonstrating improved post-op clinical outcomes with nutritional supplementation.
Nutritional status is a strong predictive factor in shoulder arthroplasty outcomes.
Poor nutritional status in shoulder arthroplasty significantly increases risk for:
*Blood transfusion
*Longer hospital (LOS)
*Death within 30 days of surgery
Flamant JSES 2021
Malnutrition in shoulder arthroplasty significantly increases:
Primary TSA 26.8% vs. 13.6%
Revision TSA 30.8% vs. 6.7%
Primary TSA 18.3% vs. 10.3%
Revision TSA 26.9% vs. 4.4%
Garcia JSES 2016
Malnutrition increases length of stay and 90-day cost of care after shoulder arthroplasty
*Cost : 90-day charges + $6971
*LOS: + 3.7 days
*Risk of 90-day readmission: 3.0x fold
Burns JSES 2022
Research Team
John M. Itamura, MD
Director, Kerlan-Jobe Adult Shoulder and Elbow Reconstruction Fellowship, Team Physician, Los Angeles Angels
Brian Lee, MD
Orthopedic Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon, Faculty for the Kerlan-Jobe sports medicine fellowship and assistant director of the shoulder elbow reconstruction fellowship, Consultant for the PGA tour and the Los Angeles Sparks
Collapsible content
- Grant H.GarciaMD, Michael C.FuMD, MHSDavid M.DinesMD Edward V.CraigMD, MPH Lawrence V.GulottaMD Malnutrition: a marker for increased complications, mortality, and length of stay after total shoulder arthroplasty Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2016, Pages 193-20
- Robert A. Burnett, MDa, Daniel E. Goltz, MD, MBAb, Jay M. Levin, MD, MBAb, Characteristics and risk factors for 90-day readmission following shoulder arthroplasty J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2022) 31, 324–332
- Katherine A. Burns, MDa,*, Lynn M. Robbins, PA-Ca, Modifiable risk factors increase length of stay and 90-day cost of care after shoulder arthroplasty J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2022) 31, 2–7
- Etienne M. Flamant, BSa, Daniel E. Goltz, MD, MBAb, Robert A. Burnett, MDc, Malnutrition in elective shoulder arthroplasty: a multi-institutional retrospective study of preoperative albumin and adverse outcomes J Shoulder Elbow Surg (2021) 30, 2491–2497