A muscle-centric diet is specifically designed to optimize muscle protein synthesis (MPS), the cellular process in which the body turns on the building process of muscle tissue by putting together amino acids. This nutritional approach focuses on obtaining adequate daily amino acid intake to address muscle loss during surgical recovery. Protein consumption, utilized as a nutritional tool, can help provide the appropriate amount of amino acids to optimally stimulate MPS.
MPS is triggered when a certain threshold of protein and amino acids is reached. In most healthy adults, this occurs after consuming 30 grams of high-quality protein. As we age, the body becomes more anabolically resistant, requiring higher doses of amino acids and protein to stimulate the same MPS. The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein of 0.8 g/kg (based on the daily amount protein in a young healthy adult to avoid being malnourished) does not take into account the amount of protein needed to support enhanced MPS and falls short of the required amount for optimal surgical recovery, particularly as we age. Patients recovering from major orthopedic surgery require a higher protein intake closer to 2.0 g/kg of ideal body weight per day.
A study Ryan et al. (2020) emphasizes the importance of higher protein consumption for recovery, stating that "protein is essential for the repair and growth of skeletal muscle tissue, and thus, higher protein intake is recommended during times of injury and recovery"
A muscle-centric diet should include an adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, a muscle-centric diet may also include specific supplements such as creatine, HMB, and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) to further support muscle growth and recovery. The exact macronutrient ratio will depend on the individual's goals and activity level.
The XR recovery program takes into account all these important variables for promoting muscle recovery after orthopedic surgery, including macronutrient composition, timing, distribution, protein quality, and quantity. We understand that proper nutrition is crucial for healing and recovery, which is why we will help determine all of these variables for you as part of the program. Additionally, a muscle-centric calculator will be utilized to provide customized diet recommendations and sample meal plans, ensuring that you receive the proper nutrition needed to promote healing and recovery.
To maximize MPS, it is recommended to trigger the process early in the morning, shortly after waking, by consuming 40-45 grams of high-quality protein within one hour of waking, as the body has been in a fasted state during sleep. Similarly, consuming approximately 45 grams of high-quality, slow-digesting proteins 2.5-3 hours before sleep is recommended to extend triggering MPS during sleep. Nutrient timing around exercise is also crucial. Ideal times for consuming higher carbohydrate with protein is immediately before and after exercise, which has been shown to be more effective in promoting MPS and recovery than consuming it at other times during the day1. Therefore, patients should consume a carb/protein-rich meal or supplement before and after physical therapy or other forms of exercise.
In summary, a muscle-centric diet is a valuable nutritional approach for patients recovering from orthopedic surgery. It focuses on providing the body with the necessary nutrients to support muscle growth and recovery, which can help to optimize MPS and ultimately promote a faster and more successful recovery.
A muscle-centric diet should be individualized and tailored to the patient's specific needs. Xcelerated Recovery provides you with the muscle-centric calculator that customizes your individualized needs as well as dietary recommendations. This way, you can be assured that you are getting the right macronutrient ratio and protein, carbohydrate, and fat intake that you need to support a speedy recovery.