Timing Is Key

Prehabilitation Improves Outcomes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

1Shahril R. Shaarani, American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2013 

Randomized controlled clinical trial.

Patients that underwent a 6wk Prehabiliation exercise program showed improved outcomes and faster recovery:

*Improved knee function based on the single-legged hop test and self-reported assessment using the modified Cincinnati score.

*Sustained effects at 12 weeks postoperatively.


Nutritional status is a modifiable risk factor and well established as a strong predictor of post-operative outcomes. Multiple clinical studies have clearly identified the link between poor nutritional status and increased complications.

Targeted Perioperative Nutritional supplementation has been demonstrated to significantly improve clinical outcome and decrease complications.

Special attention should be given to nutritional intake in the 24 h period prior to surgery as well as the 1st 2 wks post-op.

Carb loading prior to an athletic competition has been long established to improve performance. More recently this concept has been clinically studied and demonstrated to significantly improve outcome measures as part of ERAS protocols.